Janice Debo
1 min readJun 26, 2021

Ahhh, I don’t know where you live but in Central Oregon, this is a very popular thing to do. I’m sure today and the next few days here the river will be a busy place with those who float.

Personally, I have not tried this but I have been told it is amazing and unbelievably relaxing thing to do. It’s one of the ultimate letting go experiences. I have floated in a pool, a lake and an ocean if that counts.

I love the sound of water in a creek, a river, an ocean and waterfalls. Water supports our weight when we let go. It is a trust factor when you want to float.

In my family we went to Myrtle Beach almost every year that I can remember so I am well acquainted with the Atlantic Ocean and enjoying floating and riding the waves back in. We didn’t surf!

Originally published at https://courageconfidenceconnections.blogspot.com on June 26, 2021.



Janice Debo

I am from North Carolina and I now reside in Central Oregon for the last 11 years. I am a networking coach, business consultant & a passionate blogger!